Friday, March 16, 2012

Kruger National Park

We arrived in Kruger-BERG-EN-DAL Camp- last night and set up our tent in between rain storms, Luckily we had a pretty dry night and woke up to sunshine...yea!

It will be a beautiful drive through the park today and we hope to see lots of animals.
Last night we saw around 10 white rhinos right by the road...super cool!

I am turning into Gypsy Jana...:)

Would love to hear from you...comments are very welcome.


  1. Hey Gypsy Jana: Would love to see that look :o) Love the pictures, so keep them coming. Lots of rain here and more to come, even snow warnings. Send pic of your campsite!!! Miss ya!

  2. Hi Jana!!

    LOVE the blog- LOVE the pictures! I have been checking it almost every day! I am jealous!! :)
    I showed Todd the pictures... he definitely likes Zanzibar and the safari pics! Looks like we are going to have to plan a trip!So glad you are having a great time - I knew you would! Keep up the blog and pics please! :) Nancy

  3. Hi Jana, It's great to hear from you again! Your pictures are so good - I love looking at them over and over again. The animals are amazing and the beach is beautiful! What a trip you're having! Wow!

  4. I couldn't figure out how to comment. Thanks for making it easy!

    Ok I was in such suspense waiting for your first post from Africa and had to call your mom. Luckily she'd heard from you. Since then it's been such a joy reading your stories and seeing your pictures. They are AMAZING!!! Glad to see your inner gypsy has surfaced. If you come home with dreadlocks maybe you can open up a latte stand inside Joyworks!

    Eagerly awaiting your next story. XO Cheri
